Unique rare girl names

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It’s a pretty name with strong popularity in France, but less widely used in the UK and US.Ī flower named after the botanist A Dahl.Ĭurrently not a popular baby name but trendy due to the lead female character in series 1 of the Netflix show Bridgerton.Ī Biblical name meaning delight or to flirt. The name comes from the Spanish word for help. This name is common in Wales but rare elsewhere. It’s very unusual and rare, and could be abbreviated to Annie if you wish.Īn Irish/Scottish name pronounced kee-va. This name means grace and kindness, which makes it a beautiful choice for a little girl!Ī beautifully unique name meaning grace.

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This name means vision or dream, so it’s lovely if you have been dreaming of having your baby and finally are welcoming a baby girl! It’s still rare, but did jump into the top 100 baby names in the UK for the first time in a century last year! Meaning nobility or adornment, this is perfect for parents looking for a vintage baby name. So, apart from getting these listed names try thinking from your side too which will definitely clicks out with great names. Remember, the beautiful and the rarest girl name for your daughter is the one which you creates by yourself. Final words on Beautiful Rare Girl Names.Edgy, Celebrity-Inspired Baby Girl Names.

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